Originally from the United States, F. Levie Britt has spent his entire adult life as a European ex-patriot, living in London, Paris, Palma de Majorca and Fuengirola, Spain, before finally settling in Sweden, first in the university town of Umea, 250 miles south of the Arctic circle (where he learned to eat, but not like, rotten herring) then in Sweden’s second city, Gothenburg, where he now resides. He is a dual citizen of Sweden and the United States and was made an honorary member of the Eastern Cherokee tribe when he was nine. (The latter claim, much to his chagrin, provides zero legal benefit and does not entitle him to any cultural or casino bonuses whatsoever, though he does tan remarkable easily).
He has travelled extensively throughout Europe, North Africa, Asia, and the Mid/Near East and has held far too many jobs to count – assistant nurse, grape picker, baggage handler, English teacher, bartender, bouncer, bookstore purchasing agent, janitor, chef, translator, marketing head, and construction worker to name a few. He studied a wide range of subjects (from Literature to Nursing to Music Production) at an even wider range of universities in both Europe and the U.S., before deciding to put absolutely none of them to direct use and go into a career in advertising. He now runs a small creative agency and spends his late night (and early morning hours) writing fiction.
His debut novel “Sand” is now being presented to publishers, he has two completed novels in the wings, and a handful of television and film scripts also ready to make their way into the world, with much, much more to come.
Website: www.fleviebritt.com